Thursday, September 30, 2010

Gay-Straight Club and Discussions about the Gay suicide rate. Three in one month, and they're all under the age of 21.

Ahhh, today is great. The sun is shining, the moon is smiling, and life actually looks like it could make me happy. First time in a long time I suppose. Whatever, dropped pre-calculus honors with my horrendous teacher, nice as she is, I didn't learn anything and my grade needed life-support. I can take Biology AP, Mandarin Chinese by learning the traditional form, the pinyin, and the pronunciations, but I can't take a pre-Calculus class. In this fantastic poster by my friend, it explains it all - I hope.... and as of right now, I cannot find it. Darn you facebook, you.

In other news, three suicides rocked the news this month. A student asks the dorm mate to let him have the room. The dorm mate obliges, but not before turning on the webcam, and going to his friend's room to watch what goes on. It turns out the guy who asked to borrow the room for the night was having sexual affairs with another student - another male student. And this jackass, the room mate watching, decides to broadcast their act on the internet. LIVE. He then types in his goodbye message on facebook, and jumps off the bridge.

What. the. Fuck. Seriously!? You honestly don't think someone will commit suicide for this? You fucking college students, are you all brain dead? For crying out loud, you're 18, and you can -AND WILL- be held accountable. Haul your asses to jail already, you deserve to be confined for five years. Serves you right.

The next one is an eleven year old who is bullied by his peers for being smaller than everyone else, for not accepting the American way of life of wanting brand-name clothing, and actually likes to read. And did I mention he was Buddhist? This kid, he earns my respect. He's his own self, but he gets bullied for about 18 to 2 years. The day he commits suicide, he tells his parents he's gay. At the age of 11. And then, he puts a gun to his head and kills himself, only to be found by his step father.

You poor child, my condolences to the family. As for the bullies and the school district, what the hell? Were you all taught in truck driving school about how to prevent bullying? If a child is being bullied, do something! I mean honestly.

And another person had hanged himself, I don't know much about this one, but he too was gay and this too was because of bullying against his sexuality.

I'm a student, I'm a person, I'm another ant in the world,
I'm a warrior, I'm a fighter, I will take everything that is hurled,
So that no one sheds a tear because of their sexuality or beliefs,
Because all that ever comes from fighting is an ass-load of grief.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wooo, party today!

Yay, so I just started blogging today. ummm, will update this later haha?

